The Vagenda

Were My Pyjamas Too Short?







Bio: Suzanne Brown is a 22-year-old artist living in Philadelphia; she is currently working towards her BFA at Tyler School of Art. Formerly a Chinese Intelligence student, Brown’s work is heavily influenced by international sociopolitical issues, addressing topics such as poverty, rape culture, sexism, and abuse. Her work has participated in a number of group exhibitions in galleries such as Vox Populi, the Louvres, SCOPE Miami, and Stella Elkins.

About the project: I made this series in hopes of presenting “rape validations” in a new way.  By putting these phrases next to a different subject, viewers will – I hope – take an extra second to really consider the effects of victim blaming.

4 thoughts on “Were My Pyjamas Too Short?

  1. this is a really, really great piece. However the last one made me smile a little. which may actually take away from the seriousness of the message. Regardless, I’m a huge fan.

    • If only we wore that make up. Or electric blue eye shadow all the way up to my eyebrows as my nieces and i did when we were 8/7. Then maybe we would all be safe =P

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